Our Services
What we offer
Homoeopathy Consult
Homoeopathy is a safe therapeutic treatment which uses minute doses of a natural substance to stimulate the body’s innate ability to self-heal. Our treatments include specific remedies for all constitutions and conditions, homeoprophylaxis and nosodes to use as a preventative against disease, plus detox remedies to treat potential vaccinosis and toxicity conditions. Consults can take up to 90 minutes and are extremely indepth to acheive extraction of enough information to narrow down to a unique and specific remedy for each client.
Initial consult: $150.00 60-90 minutes
Return consult: $100.00 45-60 minutes
Naturopathy Consult
Naturopathy is a natural and holistic approach to health and treatment which takes into consideration the whole person and every aspect of their life. Using the healing power of nature and the least amount of intervention as possible, naturopathic treatment stimulates the body’s ability to self-heal. This consult will help create a treatment plan tailored for you which may incorporate diet and lifestyle changes, pathology testing, genetic information, nutritional supplements, flower essences, herbal tinctures and supplements all designed to guide you back to better health.
Initial consult: $150.00 60-90 minutes
Return consult: $100.00 45-60 minutes
The iris is connected to the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. Through association with the brain and nervous system, the iris is directly and indirectly connected with every tissue, gland, and organ of the body. Iridology assessment can assist in identifying illnesses and weaknesses within the body. These consults will take approximately 30 minutes and Raina will create an attractive and informative iridology assessment for you to pick up and keep at a later date.
Cost: Additional $50.00 on top of consult price
Essential Oil Rollers
Essential oils contain extremely potent phytochemicals which have many therapeutic benefits. Carefully selected oils are combined and mixed with a quality carrier oil to allow for easy use as an essential oil roller. Oil rollers are also a fantastic alternative to toxic perfumes.
Price: $15.00

Eating a balanced diet high in important macro and micronutrients is crucial in maintaining a healthy body, balancing hormones and preventing disease.

When it comes to essential nutrients, nothing beats H20. We are made up of about 60% water and this key nutrient is crucial for almost every function in our body. Drink at least 1.5L of quality water each day to maintain the integrity and health of every cell in your body.

Physical exercise is an important factor when optimising your overall health. Not only is it important to maintain strength and a healthy weight, exercise helps to regulate hormones, prevent cardiovascular conditions and assists with digestive functions.

A supportive network of friends and family is important for encouragement, personal growth and maintaining your mental health and wellbeing.

Self-care and time out is important for 'refilling your cup', supporting your adrenal glands and nervous system and reducing stress and anxiety.

Adequate sleep is vitally important to allow your body physical and mental repair and recovery, supporting brain health, cardiac function, body metabolism, memory and mood.
“At Terra Mata - House of Herbs and Healing, we know that real wealth is actually the state of your health.”
— Raina Cruise